Beautiful Beaches

First week of School, first week of back into routines, so of course here I am sat at my computer flicking through our holiday photos whilst I should really be tending to my neglected chores………

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But honestly I would much rather be here reminiscing the fun, relaxing times we had with family and friends, taking in this beautiful scenery…………………….

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Sunshine, bright blue skies, mountains, and endless clear beaches……………………………

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Grateful to be able to get out and about and enjoy exploring this spectacular Island home we have missed………………………

We have been doing a bit of exploring lately, some camping, some day trips out and about to get off the beaten track, I will think about these trips today, and the smiles on my little ones faces as they explored the World around them, they are back at School today, learning and exploring again, and hopefully they are still having an amazing time, and have huge smiles like they did yesterday on their first day back into it.

For me I am off to do those chores, take care xx

New Year 2015

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Wow!! I cannot believe it has been a full year since I blogged….. so much has happened and I am not sure where to start!   I have settled down at my computer with a hot cup of tea, and have been reading my own blog posts from this time last year, where it seems I was busy knitting Christmas gifts and living in Western Australia.   The biggest change in my life in the past 12 months would be the reason for my blog absence, we made the move from Western Australia all the way back to our small Island home of Tasmania, it was a huge decision, an unexpected decision, and we have been very busy ever since.

I have been missing my blog, which I had to break from due to no internet whilst in transit, then we lived in a caravan for quite some time once arriving here in Tassie, and my internet access was extremely limited.  I have been keeping up with my instagram feed however, and love to go back through my feed every now and again to look back over our journey.

With a New Year beginning, I have decided to make time to get back into my blog and am rather excited as I sit here and type, looking out over my very own vegetable garden, which has just this week started to flourish with peas and beans ready to harvest, tomatoes on the vine growing nicely, zucchini, pumpkin and capsicum in flower, and carrots all in rows.  Something I have dreamed about for years, providing for our family in our own back yard.

This past year has seen lots of change, and some of the same things……..

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Knitting as always……..

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Actually rather a lot of knitting especially during our first Winter back here in Tasmania.

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Lots of baking………


A bit of exploring, and sight seeing.  Getting reacquainted with this pretty and very scenic Island we now once again call home.

We have just returned back from an impromptu camping trip, which we truly enjoyed with great friends and family.  I love the holidays, wonderful time of the year, we enjoyed an abundance of sunshine, fresh sea air and relaxing by the seaside with our little ones paddling in the water.

Now we are home sweet home, refreshed and relaxed, however it might just take a little adjusting to get back into the routine of home life…..

Thank you for reading my blog, Take care xx

By The Seaside

I enjoy looking back through our vacations photos, brings it all back nice and fresh in my memory.   Especially when I am finding it hard to get back into the swing of things, so I am happy to share some lovely seaside photos here today.


One of my favourite things to do is simply fossick along the shoreline for pretty shells, I remember doing this as a child, and now I am doing the same thing with my children, and it is wonderful.


Look at all these gorgeous teeny tiny little shells.  Can you imagine a beach made entirely from billions of these tiny shells……… we visited one such beach and appropriately it is called Shell Beach.  It is apparently one of only two beaches like this in the World.  Amazing……


Bright blue sky, crisp white shells, and the clear sea water………. was spectacular indeed.

From here we headed further along the coast and found some pretty impressive beaches and very nice weather, after leaving grey stormy days it was a bit of a surprise to the senses to be in such warm weather.  There was lots of slip, slop, slap, sunsmart practice happening this week.


We spent some lovely days here on this beach, and seen some very friendly sealife doing their own thing as they desired.  This is Monkey Mia, located within the Shark Bay World Heritage Area in Western Australia.


This is Mr Pelican, who was paddling along the waters edge.  We stopped and said hi and then went on our way.  The water is absolutely beautiful, crystal clear, turquoise blues, very enticing.


Oh the joy I felt when this dolphin swam past as we were wading along, we were so lucky this day as the dolphins were doing their natural thing, had spotted some yummy looking fish and were hunting them along the shoreline, so they came close to us, we simply had to stand still and let them do their thing and take lots of photos of course.   Some lucky swimmers had them swimming around them, you could see the delight on the young swimmers face, reflected in my own as they swam past me I am sure.   Most of the day you see them here and there off in the distance, but to see them come in this close was wonderful indeed.  Oh I absolutely adore dolphins, they are simply beautiful.


This is the nearby town of Denham, we would stroll along the beachfront every day to enjoy the sights, and I must say I took a lot of dinghy photos, but I do like them, looking very relaxed resting on the beaches.  We would spend our evenings relaxing on the beaches ourselves, with our picnic tea, how easily I could go back there right now, it was very enjoyable.  We seen so many lovely sights, and most of all I enjoyed spending time with my loved ones, hopefully making many happy memories for our little ones.  They do talk about our vacation, the many exciting sights we seen, the activities we filled our spare time with, and I like to think that even though they are young, they will remember this for years to come.

And now I am off to make a cup of tea, before I have a few chores to do then hopefully I might be able to do a few rows of knitting whilst dreaming more about our vacation days.

Enjoy xx

Craft Time Fun

It is such a beautiful sun shiny day here today, we spent the morning out on our patio making some sweet little jars of seaside.



We spread out our supplies, scissors, jars, cardboard, pencil, sand, and shells.  We set about cutting out our shapes, we decided on fishes and starfish.   Then we poured some sand into our jars, placed a couple of shells in each, a fish, and a starfish each.



And here we have our own little Seaside in a Jar………………… so simple yet so wonderful.    We absolutley love the seaside and having these little jars in our home, well it makes me smile every time I look at them.   My boys had a great time making them and they are taking pride of place on the toy table at this very moment.

Now this is only a small but sweet blog today, as the sun is shining beautifully and I am heading back out to our patio with a cup of tea and a good read, to make the most of this gorgeous weather.

Take care xx